Monday, December 24, 2012

On Really Seeing the Church

I sat in the back of the sanctuary yesterday because I was certain a coughing fit would drive me out of the sanctuary part-way through the sermon.  Walking in front of a crowd of people can still unnerve me. 

I had no idea of the blessing that would come. 

As I sat, really just sat-little voice, little energy, little to give-I watched a body do a work, a supernatural work. 

Donnie wrote.  Paul played.  Donna's fingers danced.  Kayla praised.  Steve taught.  Angie hugged.  Libby's group gathered and prayed.  Two women cried-together.  Tish welcomed. (I heard a visitor say this to her husband-yep, they notice our hellos.)  Julia penned verses.  Reid lifted hands.  Sharon prayed.  Katie taught.  Jen smiled.  Cole drummed.  Jim lifted hands.  Elnore came, and I'm sure she prayed.  Carol led her grandaughter by the hand.  I'd bet my last dollar that Nancy cried tears of praise...and I could go on and on.

I know the things our son gave up these last two weeks for the church, for the Lord.  I can only imagine the choices others make, sight unseen, week after week, as an offering of praise to the Lord, leading others to Jesus.  Not because they have to, but because they get to.

The work-started in individual hearts by a loving and merciful God, brought together, working out their salvation.  What a beautiful and wondrous thing.

I'm reminded of the worshippers in the Old Testament, who would bring an offering to the house of the Lord, as a response to what He had done.

~I will come into your house with burnt offerings;
I will perform my vows to you,
that which my lips uttered
and my mouth promised when I was in trouble. 
I will offer to you burnt offerings of fattened animals,
with the smoke of the sacrifice of rams;
I will make an offering of bulls and goats. (Ps. 66:13-15)

No longer bringing animal sacrifices because there was a greater, "It is Finished" sacrifice made at Calvary.  Yet, presenting our whole bodies as a living sacrifice as an act of spiritual worship. (Rom. 12:1)

May you be blessed Freedom Fellowship, individually and corporately.  May the church universal, work as one body, giving glory and honor to our God.

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