Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Never in Comparison

Dear Julia~

This urging others, encouraging others to move forward. It's never a race against another sister. Your toes will never be placed beside the toes of another in your walk with Christ. To encourage a sister in Christ, is to encourage her to look more deeply into Christ, to walk more closely with Him.  The wisest sister will point her sister to Christ and encourage her push deep into Christ.  Julia, this walk is never a walk of comparing yourself with others, whether you're lowering your God-given image in relation to another or raising self against them. Being jealous and breeding jealousy-all the same.

The Creator, Christ Himself, God, made each of you in the image of Himself.  

Learn this:  Be thankful for the way He made you.  You will find your deepest satisfaction in glorifying Him with your life, not the life of someone else.  Enjoy Him.  Enjoy the life He's given you.  Enjoy your curly hair and brown eyes.  Enjoy being short-at least for now :-)  Enjoy being able to twist and bend that body in ways my body has never seen.  Ride a horse like you mean it.  Sing with voice He's given.  Play chords with fingers He's fashioned.  All of life is a gift, Julia.  All of the gifts echo who He is. Search for Him.  Seek Him with all your heart~He promises you'll be found by Him.

Much love~