Sunday, February 16, 2014

Religious Groups in New Testament

There are many religious groups found in the New Testament.
The most well-known are:  Pharisees, Sadducees, Zealots, and Essenes.  Numerous parties, denominations, or sects arose from these groups.

The religious groups were concerned about losing their TRADITION AND TEMPLE.

They would compete for:
*religious prestige and authority
*political power
*recognition as being wise, wealthy
*the satisfaction they were really "right"

Most differences between Jewish groups resulted from their distinctive traditions.

The Main Groups of People in New Testament:

  • Pharisees:  most influential group
  • Sadducees:  came from aristocratic families-rich, most people didn't like them
  • Essenes:  group of close-knit communities, involuntarily shared all things in common
  • Ordinary Jews:  devoted to their nation and religion
  • Those Devoted to God:  most of Jesus' followers arose from this group (the Jewish leaders, with contempt, regarded them as "this crowd that does not know the law" (John 7:49) people in this group included:  Zechariah + Elizabeth, Joseph + Mary, Simeon, Anna

The Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes were also laying claim to Israel's heritage.
The Essenes eventually dropped out of public life and became a network of close-knit communities.

Pharisees and Sadducees competed for control of Sandhedrin (governing body).  The Sadducees were dominant (Acts 5:17) by the 1st century.



  • included high priest, Caiaphas) (AD 18-36)
  • primarily wealthy, priestly families in Jerusalem
  • unfriendly, unpopular, even unfriendly to one another
  • could be cruel judges
  • James killed by them
  • probably only accepted Pentateuch (1st 5 books of the bible)
  • shared all things in common including food and clothing
  • Jerusalem church adopted a similar way of life except giving was voluntary
  • strict, dressed in white linen, strictly observed the Sabbath

  • 3 schools:  Shammai, Hillel, Gamaliel (Paul studied under Gamaliel)
  • concerned about proper administration of temple
  • the 3 schools tried to shape religious life of the ordinary Jew through the dissemination of their TRADITIONS
  • see parable of Pharisee and Tax Collector-reference:  Luke 18:9-14 and Matt. 23:23-seek justice, mercy, and faithfulness and Phil 3:9-don't seek a righteousness of my own-Jesus said unless your righteousness EXCEEDS that of the Pharisees and Scribes
    • scribes:  a separate group from Pharisees, interpreters of Torah
experts in theological matters that the Torah raised, interpreters as well

note:  Jesus prohibits his disciples from using "titles" that in a spirit that wrongly exalted leaders and reinforced human pride (as the Pharisees did)