Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Dear Julia~
I am so thankful, excited, humbled, that you have chosen to identify with Jesus and be baptized.  I know it is not easy for you to get up in front of people...oh boy, do I know the fear of man.  We have a high view of ourselves all too often.  Work on it in secret with the Lord, for it's a heart issue, a worship issue, not a people issue.  Here are some things I found on baptism, from which I will be sharing with you.  I wanted to record them here, should the Lord grant you others to love and teach about baptism.
Love you.

Baptism-article #1-Piper

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Never in Comparison

Dear Julia~

This urging others, encouraging others to move forward. It's never a race against another sister. Your toes will never be placed beside the toes of another in your walk with Christ. To encourage a sister in Christ, is to encourage her to look more deeply into Christ, to walk more closely with Him.  The wisest sister will point her sister to Christ and encourage her push deep into Christ.  Julia, this walk is never a walk of comparing yourself with others, whether you're lowering your God-given image in relation to another or raising self against them. Being jealous and breeding jealousy-all the same.

The Creator, Christ Himself, God, made each of you in the image of Himself.  

Learn this:  Be thankful for the way He made you.  You will find your deepest satisfaction in glorifying Him with your life, not the life of someone else.  Enjoy Him.  Enjoy the life He's given you.  Enjoy your curly hair and brown eyes.  Enjoy being short-at least for now :-)  Enjoy being able to twist and bend that body in ways my body has never seen.  Ride a horse like you mean it.  Sing with voice He's given.  Play chords with fingers He's fashioned.  All of life is a gift, Julia.  All of the gifts echo who He is. Search for Him.  Seek Him with all your heart~He promises you'll be found by Him.

Much love~

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


For to us a child is born,
 and to us a son is given;
  and the government shall be on his shoulder,
 and his name shall be called 
Wonderful Counselor, 
Mighty God, 
Everlasting Father, 
Prince of peace.  
~Isaiah 9:6


Friday, August 23, 2013

On Friendship...

This quote was passed along to me today, Julia.  I wanted to share it with you. I'm paraphrasing:

The glory of friendship is the spiritual inspiration that comes to the one when she discovers someone believes in her and is willing to trust her with her friendship.

Memorizing and Meditating Upon Today:  Ps. 103:2  Bless the Lord, O my soul and forget not all his benefits.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Goodness of Singleness and Marriage

Dear Julia (and Amy and Zaundra)~

Reading The Meaning of Marriage.  So many good things about marriage and singleness.  Wanted to share some of it with you (and a song at the end)...

1.  Jesus and Paul, were both joyfully single.  Paul believed and taught that singleness is good (1 Cor. 7) and in many circumstances, better than marriage.

2.  Single adult Christians bear testimony that God, not family, is our hope.  They trust that God gives us our truest family-the church-so you never lack for brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, in Christ.

3.  Singleness is not Plan B.  Check yourself. Are you believing any of the following Myths?

Myth #1:  I must be satisfied with God alone.  Then, God will bring me someone great.
Remember:  God doesn't need you to get your act together to bless you.  You'll never be perfect.  God's not real interested in works-based anything.  However, God will certainly continue to mold and shape you.  Walk with Him in obedience, step by step.

Myth #2:  I'm too picky.
Remember:  God's never been swayed by our finicky feelings and attitudes.  He's sovereign.  He's bigger than your pickiness.

Myth #3:  You have to be single to fully commit yourself to the Lord's work.
Remember:  Marriage is a reflection of the gospel.  You and your husband can work together for Christ and His Mission of making disciples of all nations.

Myth #4:  Before you marry someone wonderful, the Lord needs to make you someone wonderful.
Remember:  You're already wonderful because of Christ.

Quote I loved:  I am not single b/c I am too spiritually unstable to possibly deserve a husband, nor b/c I am too spiritually  mature to possibly need one.  I am single b/c God is so abundantly good to me, because this is his best for me. ~Paige Benton Brown

4.  Non-Western Culture's hope is built on family.  Western Culture's hope is built on romance.  Just ask Disney Filmmakers.

5.  Marriage was created to be a reflection on the human level of our ultimate love relationship and union with the Lord.

6.  Demote marriage and family in your heart, put God first, and begin to enjoy the goodness of single life.

7.  Who you marry will impact your church, family, and will speak to a lost and dying world, as a reflection of the gospel.

I wrote this song a while back and really do love the lyrics the Lord developed in my mind.  I really do love my husband and marriage.  I really do love the Lord first.

I love you, girls.  May you wholly devote yourself to the only One who is worthy.

Holy Love (The Bride’s Song)
Verse 1
I long to be your crown
My heart and strength laid down
To follow you on this narrow road
As you lead us in our home.

Verse 2
By the power of the cross
And the blood-bought gift of grace
Forgiveness will be spoken here
Because of “Jesus in Our Place”

May it be said of me
That your heart trusts in me
May I be the wife
That God sees me to be

May it be said of us
It’s for the glory of
Our One True God
And His covenant love.

Verse 3
I come here to the altar
This place of sacrifice
I give up all of who I am
To be your friend, your love, your wife

This one flesh,
A reflection of…
Christ and His Church
A holy love (x2)

…He died for His bride (back to “May it be said of us…)


Sunday, July 14, 2013

Jesus~Always ask what "they" believe about Him...

Many people will come into your life, telling you they live for Jesus, He's their savior, He's a good man, a good teacher. Always ask what they believe to be true about Jesus.

Know Him, Julia, the God of the bible.

Loved this on WHO Jesus is...Jesus-glory by John Piper

Friday, May 24, 2013

Ruth-day 1

To My Girls~
I began reading Ruth, with the purpose of looking at her character, who she is as a woman who loves God.  Wow.  What I've found has been so cool.  Here are some things so far:

*"clung to Naomi"-This shows me that she was loyal and devoted.  She could have let this "old woman", her mother-in-law leave, and she could have returned to her family's home, with hopes she could remarry.  Widowed women weren't looked very highly upon and were poor.  She chose to stay with Naomi.

*knew God-She told Naomi that Naomi's God would be her God.  Ruth was putting a stake in the ground, choosing God, over her family and people.

*wasn't afraid to make oaths.  She had strong convictions, stating that God would be her God, Naomi's people would be her people.  She wasn't afraid to take a stand, and she wasn't afraid she'd fail.

*was a Moabite-not from God's original people-her origin is mentioned several times

*hard worker-gleaned in the fields from morning until now (2:7)

*humble (maybe a little bit hungry?)  She wasn't afraid to humble herself and glean in the field for what she and Naomi needed.

*submissive-listened as Boaz spoke to her, asked to glean in the field

*heart of gratitude-Ruth was thankful for the way Boaz provided

Loved these verses today: (starting at 2:11)
"But Boaz answered her, "All that you have done for your mother-in-law since the death of your husband has been fully told to me, and how you left your father and mother and your native land and came to a people you did not know before.  The LORD repay you for what you have done, and a full reward be given you by the LORD, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge!"

*Have been meditating on Psalm 34-Today:
Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!  Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!

Lessons from David

David, just a teenager, was asked by his father to take food to his brothers, who were in the midst of a battle with the enemy, the Philistines.  When David's father asked him to go, to leave his sheep, the thing the Lord had given him to do, he didn't just leave.  He left them with a keeper.

This reminds me, Julia, of being asked to step out in wherever God leads, for me, now, on the worship team, but to never leave the people whom God has given me, to never forget, they are my first priority.  This means I make provision for them as I'm gone.  I keep them first in my prayers.  I don't forget.  I choose to spend time with them first.  God, Husband, Children, Work, Ministry-always this order, Julia.  Get this right and it will immediately give the answer to hundreds of questions.

This quote:  (from My Utmost for His Highest)
*At your peril, you allow one thing to obscure your inner communion with God.  Drop it, whatever it is, and see that you keep your inner vision clear.

Meditating on this today:

Then David said to the Philistine, "You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of armies of Israel, whom you have defied.  This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you down and cut off your head.  Ad I will give the dead bodies of the hospt of the Philistines this day to the birds of the air and to the wild beast of the earth, that all the earth may know that THERE IS A GOD IN ISRAEL, AND THAT ALL THIS ASSEMBLY MAY KNOW THAT THE LORD SAVES NOT WITH SWORD AND SPEAR.   FOR THE BATTLE IS THE LORD'S, AND HE WILL GIVE YOU INTO OUR HAND.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Idols of the Heart

Dear Julia,

I have had the habitual sin of placing people above God in my heart.  In other words, I've made a habit of trusting people, looking to people's opinions, thinking about and meditating upon people, consistently.   People have been my "functional god" for all of my Christian walk. A functional god is one you think you can control, much like a lucky rabbit's foot-just pull it out, rub it, and get what you want when you want it.  

God did not design "relationship" for this purpose.  All relationships are in place to glorify Him, not to glorify self.  If you are looking to fulfill some need that you perceive you have, in any-one or any-thing, outside of God, it will fail.  Here me again:  your search will fail.  

I praise God for not giving me what I've asked for, for 13 years. God has lovingly shown me how I've loved people repeatedly over time. I missed the boat often.  

But God. His steadfast love sustains.   

He has done a great work these last few months and this past week and into the weekend, He has given me tools to fight.  Perhaps the tools were always available and  because of my pride, my thinking I know better, God would not, could not, put those tools in place, knowing I wouldn't know how to effectively use them for His glory.  Sort of like giving a child a butcher knife.  Butcher knives can do great work, but if used incorrectly they can be deadly.  God's Word is powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword-it must be used correctly.  Use it to glorify the wrong god and it will lead to destruction.  

Julia, I love you and desire that you love you God above all others, above all else.  May you know Him and His love for you.  May you know the gospel, understand the gospel.  Out of that understanding of who He is and the gospel, HE will overflow into the lives of others.

~Love you, dear one.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Dear Ana

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. ~Ps. 91

Dear Ana~
You will be tempted to dwell in so many places, other than in the shelter of the Most High, your Father.  You will be tempted to dwell in insecurity and self-preservation, if you're anything like your mama. Satan, your accuser, the father of all lies, will try to make you believe that your Father is not good, not loving, not safe.  Don't believe him.  Instead, seek your Father in quiet.  He is good, Ana.  He saw you before He made the earth.  Nothing is a surprise to Him.  He knew where you would be born.  He knew on the exact day that your daddy and I would see your face for the first time.  He knew, Ana.  Be found in Him alone.   Read Ephesians, Ana, and know your identity is found IN CHRIST alone.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Dear Julia

~Find your identity in Christ Alone.  Starve all other things in your life (God calls them idols) that seek to steal Him as your joy and your foundation.  Read Ephesians.  Look for all of the "in Christ" phrases throughout the first chapter.
