Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Goodness of Singleness and Marriage

Dear Julia (and Amy and Zaundra)~

Reading The Meaning of Marriage.  So many good things about marriage and singleness.  Wanted to share some of it with you (and a song at the end)...

1.  Jesus and Paul, were both joyfully single.  Paul believed and taught that singleness is good (1 Cor. 7) and in many circumstances, better than marriage.

2.  Single adult Christians bear testimony that God, not family, is our hope.  They trust that God gives us our truest family-the church-so you never lack for brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, in Christ.

3.  Singleness is not Plan B.  Check yourself. Are you believing any of the following Myths?

Myth #1:  I must be satisfied with God alone.  Then, God will bring me someone great.
Remember:  God doesn't need you to get your act together to bless you.  You'll never be perfect.  God's not real interested in works-based anything.  However, God will certainly continue to mold and shape you.  Walk with Him in obedience, step by step.

Myth #2:  I'm too picky.
Remember:  God's never been swayed by our finicky feelings and attitudes.  He's sovereign.  He's bigger than your pickiness.

Myth #3:  You have to be single to fully commit yourself to the Lord's work.
Remember:  Marriage is a reflection of the gospel.  You and your husband can work together for Christ and His Mission of making disciples of all nations.

Myth #4:  Before you marry someone wonderful, the Lord needs to make you someone wonderful.
Remember:  You're already wonderful because of Christ.

Quote I loved:  I am not single b/c I am too spiritually unstable to possibly deserve a husband, nor b/c I am too spiritually  mature to possibly need one.  I am single b/c God is so abundantly good to me, because this is his best for me. ~Paige Benton Brown

4.  Non-Western Culture's hope is built on family.  Western Culture's hope is built on romance.  Just ask Disney Filmmakers.

5.  Marriage was created to be a reflection on the human level of our ultimate love relationship and union with the Lord.

6.  Demote marriage and family in your heart, put God first, and begin to enjoy the goodness of single life.

7.  Who you marry will impact your church, family, and will speak to a lost and dying world, as a reflection of the gospel.

I wrote this song a while back and really do love the lyrics the Lord developed in my mind.  I really do love my husband and marriage.  I really do love the Lord first.

I love you, girls.  May you wholly devote yourself to the only One who is worthy.

Holy Love (The Bride’s Song)
Verse 1
I long to be your crown
My heart and strength laid down
To follow you on this narrow road
As you lead us in our home.

Verse 2
By the power of the cross
And the blood-bought gift of grace
Forgiveness will be spoken here
Because of “Jesus in Our Place”

May it be said of me
That your heart trusts in me
May I be the wife
That God sees me to be

May it be said of us
It’s for the glory of
Our One True God
And His covenant love.

Verse 3
I come here to the altar
This place of sacrifice
I give up all of who I am
To be your friend, your love, your wife

This one flesh,
A reflection of…
Christ and His Church
A holy love (x2)

…He died for His bride (back to “May it be said of us…)


Sunday, July 14, 2013

Jesus~Always ask what "they" believe about Him...

Many people will come into your life, telling you they live for Jesus, He's their savior, He's a good man, a good teacher. Always ask what they believe to be true about Jesus.

Know Him, Julia, the God of the bible.

Loved this on WHO Jesus is...Jesus-glory by John Piper